Contract work related to venue Wikipedia for Vipul Naik

Table of contents

Task payments due for tasks related to venue Wikipedia by type and year

Task typeTotal across yearsTotal in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015
Wikipedia page creation 13,947.00 0.00 0.00 1,578.00 11,404.00 965.00
Wikipedia page update 3,033.00 0.00 0.00 891.00 2,116.00 26.00
Blog post or article 700.00 0.00 0.00 700.00 0.00 0.00
Coding 696.74 41.74 70.00 40.00 545.00 0.00
Miscellaneous Wikipedia work 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160.00 0.00
Wikipedia page translation 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00
Attempted Wikipedia work 45.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 30.00 0.00
Consulting 20.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00
Total 18,701.74 41.74 70.00 3,244.00 14,355.00 991.00

Graph of task payments due by type and year (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of task payments due by type and year (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Task payments due for tasks related to venue Wikipedia by payer and year

Task payerTotal across yearsTotal in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015
Vipul Naik18,701.7441.7470.003,244.0014,355.00991.00

Graph of task payments due by payer and year (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of task payments due by payer and year (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Task payments due for tasks related to venue Wikipedia by worker and year

Task workerTotal across yearsTotal in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015
Issa Rice5,562.7441.7470.001,663.003,368.00420.00
Sebastian Sanchez5,383.000.000.001,255.004,128.000.00
Alex K. Chen3,,491.00571.00
Jesse Clifton2,,994.000.00
Avi Glozman586.000.000.00110.00476.000.00
Ethan Bashkansky484.
Christopher Kunin262.
Adrian Ulloa205.
Charlie Corner202.000.000.0050.00152.000.00
Sergey Yegorov198.
Devansh Dwivedy153.000.000.0028.00125.000.00
Joey Malandra137.000.000.0073.0064.000.00
Thomas Foster130.000.000.0025.00105.000.00
Amy Zhang80.
Eddy Su71.
Sean Yu55.
Michael Royzen50.
Daniel Alejandro Maidana30.
Milo King5.

Graph of task payments due by worker and year (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of task payments due by worker and year (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Task payments due for tasks related to venue Wikipedia by type and month

MonthTotal across task typesWikipedia page creationWikipedia page updateBlog post or articleCodingMiscellaneous Wikipedia workWikipedia page translationAttempted Wikipedia workConsulting
Total across months18,701.7413,947.003,033.00700.00696.74160.00100.0045.0020.00

Graph of task payments due by type and month (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of task payments due by type and month (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Task payments due for tasks related to venue Wikipedia by payer and month

MonthTotal across task payersVipul Naik
Total across months18,701.7418,701.74

Graph of task payments due by payer and month (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of task payments due by payer and month (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Task payments due for tasks related to venue Wikipedia by worker and month

MonthTotal across task workersIssa RiceSebastian SanchezAlex K. ChenJesse CliftonAvi GlozmanEthan BashkanskyChristopher KuninAdrian UlloaCharlie CornerSergey YegorovDevansh DwivedyJoey MalandraThomas FosterAmy ZhangEddy SuSean YuMichael RoyzenDaniel Alejandro MaidanaMilo King
Total across months18,701.745,562.745,383.003,062.002,034.00586.00484.00262.00205.00202.00198.00153.00137.00130.0080.0071.0055.0050.0030.005.00

Graph of task payments due by worker and month (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of task payments due by worker and month (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Full list of tasks in reverse chronological order (293 tasks)

WorkerTask typeTask receptacleCompletion datePayerPaymentTopicFormatTime spent (hours:minutes)Effective pay per hourNotes
Issa RiceCodingWikipedia Views country breakdown2019-06-05Vipul Naik20.66WikipediaCode2:268.49Work done on 2019-06-04 and 2019-06-05 for some residual cleanup and fixes related to
Issa RiceCodingWikipedia Views country breakdown2019-05-09Vipul Naik21.08WikipediaCode2:298.49Work done on 2019-05-08 and 2019-05-09 for
Issa RiceCodingWikipedia Clickstream2018-04-25Vipul Naik70.00WikipediaCode7:548.86Work done on April 21 and April 25, 2018. The work built on previous work with the clickstream dataset to streamline the monthly update process, now that the Wikimedia Foundation is publishing the datasets every month. See for the issue specifics
Issa RiceBlog post or articleWikipedia spotlight2017-11-30Vipul Naik700.00WikipediaProseStill unpublished retrospective document of our experience with paid editing on Wikipedia. Payment is out of a total budget of $1000 for the project. It includes time spent from March to June, and two days in November. The November time alone is 15 hours; the previous time is not explicitly logged. The remaining work worth $300 is expected to take about six days
Issa RiceCodingGraph legend2017-07-07Vipul Naik40.00GraphsCodeUpdate to utility at to show legends optionally at the bottom of graphs. Also incorporated by Vipul Naik in the code in two other repositories: and -- see also for a bug fix to the push
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of typhoid fever2017-03-04Vipul Naik100.00Global health/diseasesTimelineIncludes two graphs. Originally published to main space on 2017-03-02. Pay for version as of (2017-03-04 22:13 UTC)
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of Reddit2017-03-03Vipul Naik29.00Technology/companyTimelineSignificant updates to and revamp/cleanup of timeline. Diff URL: taking page from 21,870 bytes to 36,244 bytes. Note that baseline 10 dollars was not included as expansion was not completed prior to shutdown of contract work
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of Chagas disease2017-03-01Vipul Naik105.00Global health/diseasesTimelineIncludes two graphs. Originally published to main space on 2017-02-28
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of GitHub2017-03-01Vipul Naik100.00Technology/companyTimelineSignificant updates to and revamp/cleanup of timeline. Diff URL: taking page from 10,400 bytes to 58,682 bytes
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of hepatitis2017-02-28Vipul Naik170.00Global health/diseasesTimelineIncludes ten graphs. Originally published to main space on 2017-02-27
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2017-02-26Vipul Naik50.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableFebruary end grants update: 13 grants to Open Phil, 9 grants to Good Ventures; 21 distinct grants, so pay = 50
Joey MalandraAttempted Wikipedia workWorldPop2017-02-25Vipul Naik15.00Global ealth/demographicsProseLast edit on 2017-02-25 in userspace. Project abandoned in March, so payment for draft as it stood before then
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of typhus2017-02-24Vipul Naik150.00Global health/diseasesTimelineIncludes four graphs. Originally published to main space on 2017-02-07
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of LinkedIn2017-02-22Vipul Naik38.00Technology/companyTimelinePeriodic updates to timeline; added events since last updates to timeline and also filled and improved some old events. Diff URL: taking page from 20,318 bytes to 34,900 bytes
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of Instagram2017-02-22Vipul Naik22.00Technology/companyTimelinePeriodic updates to timeline; added events since last updates to timeline and also filled and improved some old events. Diff URL: taking page from 19,714 bytes to 25,821 bytes
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of yellow fever2017-02-21Vipul Naik140.00Global health/diseasesTimelineIncludes two graphs. Originally published to main space on 2017-02-18
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of influenza2017-02-21Vipul Naik100.00Global health/diseasesTimelineReference robustification, significant expansion, and one graph added
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of Airbnb2017-02-21Vipul Naik23.00Technology/companyTimelinePeriodic updates to timeline; added events since last updates to timeline and also filled and improved some old events. Diff URL: taking page from 36,871 bytes to 43,777 bytes
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of Twitter2017-02-21Vipul Naik28.00Technology/companyTimelinePeriodic updates to timeline; added events since last updates to timeline and also filled and improved some old events. Diff URL: taking page from 52,761 bytes to 62,029 bytes
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of Pinterest2017-02-20Vipul Naik30.00Technology/companyTimelinePeriodic updates to timeline; added events since last updates to timeline and also filled and improved some old events. Diff URL: taking page from 38,396 bytes to 48,468 bytes
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of Facebook2017-02-18Vipul Naik25.00Technology/companyTimelinePeriodic updates to timeline; added events since last updates to timeline and also filled and improved some old events. Diff URL: taking page from 118,897 bytes to 126,146 bytes
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of Snapchat2017-02-17Vipul Naik28.00Technology/companyTimelinePeriodic updates to timeline; added events since last updates to timeline and also filled and improved some old events. Diff URL: taking page from 48,021 bytes to 57,473 bytes
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateLaura and John Arnold Foundation2017-02-11Vipul Naik220.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableBased on GitHub repository and originally attempted to save on the main page but reverted by Jytdog, see so saved a search engine-indexable version in userspace
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateForm 9902017-02-10Vipul Naik3.00United States taxation/Philanthropy/Nonprofit evaluationProseAdded launch of Form 990 Decoder by Charity Navigator
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationJohns Hopkins Center for Health Security2017-02-09Vipul Naik37.00BiosecurityProseThere was an existing page for "UPMC Center for Health Security" (the previous name for the org) but the page was entirely rewritten and significantly expanded, so is being treated as a new page creation
Avi GlozmanWikipedia page creationTimeline of online advertising2017-02-08Vipul Naik110.00Online advertising/InternetTimelineInitial version; more robustification needed explaining importance of each row
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationGlobal Burden of Disease Study2017-02-07Vipul Naik75.00Global healthProseThere was an existing confused page called "Global burden of disease" but this was essentially rewritten from scratch
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateIodine Global Network2017-02-07Vipul Naik14.00Global health/nutrition/iodineProseMoved from old location (for old name, International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders) to new one, and added new GiveWell reviews and recommendations
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of plague2017-01-31Vipul Naik145.00Global health/diseasesTimelineIncludes five graphs. Originally published to main space on 2017-01-20
Thomas FosterWikipedia page creationTimeline of sovereign states in North America2017-01-31Vipul Naik25.00Geography/historyTimelineWorker-initiated page creation
Devansh DwivedyWikipedia page creationMalaria Eradication Scientific Alliance2017-01-30Vipul Naik28.00Global health/organizationsProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2017-01-29Vipul Naik50.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableJanuary end grants update: 6 grants to Open Phil, 13 grants to Good Ventures, so pay = 50
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation2017-01-28Vipul Naik14.00Global healthProseAdded reception section and some minor reference fixes
Joey MalandraWikipedia page creationMalariaWorld2017-01-26Vipul Naik28.00Global health/diseases/malariaProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateTimeline of global health2017-01-26Vipul Naik20.00Global healthTimelineFixed 11 dead links and added three new events (first two cholera pandemics, typhus epidemic)
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateGavi, the Vaccine Alliance2017-01-25Vipul Naik7.00Global healthProsePage improvements including clarifying history of name changes and adding references
Issa RiceConsultingPHP/MySQL: Fixing utf8mb4 text corrupted by implicit mysqli::set_charset(latin1) connection2017-01-25Vipul Naik20.00Character encoding issuesCommunication with VipulInvestigated character encoding issue, discovered relevant Stack Overflow question
Charlie CornerWikipedia page creationForm 10232017-01-23Vipul Naik50.00United States taxation/NonprofitProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of poliomyelitis2017-01-14Vipul Naik130.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Joey MalandraWikipedia page creation24-hour diet recall2017-01-10Vipul Naik30.00NutritionProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of measles2017-01-09Vipul Naik125.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationSentience Politics2017-01-08Vipul Naik40.00Animal welfare/charityProseTopic and work were done on own initiative; payment covered as it is part of coverage of animal welfare orgs
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationTimeline of digital preservation2017-01-04Vipul Naik90.00Digital preservationTimelineThere is still more to port over from and additional payment will be added when the porting is complete
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of healthcare in Germany2017-01-02Vipul Naik30.00Country healthcareTimelineReference robustification
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of healthcare in Japan2017-01-02Vipul Naik35.00Country healthcareTimelineReference robustification
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateMultiple timelines: healthcare in Japan, India, Germany, Ethiopia2017-01-02Vipul Naik20.00Country healthcareTimelineLife expectancy graphs added
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of leukemia2017-01-01Vipul Naik5.00Global health/diseasesTimelineGraph added
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of healthcare in India2016-12-31Vipul Naik27.00Country healthcareTimelineReference robustification plus ten new hospitals added
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationEuropean Virtual Institute for Malaria Research2016-12-29Vipul Naik35.00Miscellaneous global health/diseases/malariaProsePart of the malaria-related page cluster. Page was originally published on 2016-12-28 and finalized on 2016-12-29
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTherapeutice Specialis ad Febres Periodicas Perniciosas2016-12-28Vipul Naik25.00Miscellaneous global health/diseases/malariaProsePart of the malaria-related page cluster
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2016-12-28Vipul Naik40.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableDecember end grants update: 7 grants to Open Phil, 0 grants to Good Ventures, so pay = 5 * ( 1 + 7) = 40
Sergey YegorovMiscellaneous Wikipedia workWHO-CHOICE2016-12-24Vipul Naik20.00Global health/priority-settingProseInitia work that would lead to final published article by Vipul Naik on 2017-01-21
Joey MalandraWikipedia page creationMarlowe–Crowne Social Desirability Scale2016-12-24Vipul Naik30.00Survey researchProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of healthcare in France2016-12-24Vipul Naik33.00Country healthcareTimelineReference robustification with focus on organizations
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of healthcare in Italy2016-12-24Vipul Naik30.00Country healthcareTimelineReference robustification with focus on organizations
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of healthcare in China2016-12-23Vipul Naik55.00Country healthcareTimelineReference robustification with focus on organizations
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of malaria2016-12-22Vipul Naik10.00Global health/diseases/malariaTimelineFilling in missing geographic locations plus updating pictures data in Wikimedia Commons
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of cholera2016-12-19Vipul Naik160.00Global health/diseasesTimelineExpansion, cleanup, and reference robustification
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of malaria2016-12-16Vipul Naik80.00Global health/diseases/malariaTimelineCleanup, mainly focused on reference robustification
Joey MalandraWikipedia page creationAmerican Time Use Survey2016-12-14Vipul Naik34.00Survey researchProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationMario Pinotti2016-12-09Vipul Naik20.00Miscellaneous global health/diseases/malariaProsePart of the malaria-related page cluster
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of malaria2016-12-06Vipul Naik185.00Global health/diseases/malariaTimelineSignificant expansion of early history of malaria, also some recent events. And four graphs
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in the United Kingdom2016-12-05Vipul Naik140.00Country healthcareTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationGlobal Initiative for Traditional Systems of Health2016-12-05Vipul Naik38.00Miscellaneous global healthProsePage created 2016-11-30, finalized pay on 2016-12-05
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationSchedula Romana2016-11-30Vipul Naik23.00History of medicine/health/malariaProseOne of the auxiliary articles for timeline of malaria
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2016-11-30Vipul Naik50.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableNovember end grants update: 4 grants to Open Phil (plus some manual work), 8 grants to Good Ventures, but 9 or more distinct grants, so pay >= 5 * 9 + 5, and also pay <= 50, so 50
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateGiveWell,GiveWell top charities (various pages)2016-11-30Vipul Naik100.00Philanthropy/GiveWell/top charitiesProse with tables
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page updateThe Humane League, Mercy for Animals,The Good Food Institute,...2016-11-29Vipul Naik20.00Animal welfare/Animal Charity Evaluators/nonprofit evaluationProseUpdates to all ACE top charities and standouts with information on the latest ACE recommendation
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page updateThe Good Food Institute2016-11-24Vipul Naik10.00Animal welfare/organizationsProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateTimeline of tuberculosis2016-11-22Vipul Naik5.00Global health/diseasesTimelineGraph added
Issa RiceCodingHelp pages2016-11-21Vipul Naik25.00WikipediaCode and dataList of help pages in all language Wikipedias
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in the Netherlands2016-11-20Vipul Naik55.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Switzerland2016-11-20Vipul Naik60.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Issa RiceCodingSpecial pages2016-11-20Vipul Naik40.00WikipediaCode and dataList of special pages in all language Wikipedias
Issa RiceCodingdistrib.py2016-11-19Vipul Naik40.00WikipediaCodeCode to show bar or line plot for distribution of Wikipedia pageviews
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in Russia2016-11-07Vipul Naik110.00Country healthcareTimelinePublished to main space 2016-10-31, finalized and payment added 2016-11-07
Devansh DwivedyWikipedia page creationGlobal Outbreak Alert and Response Network2016-11-06Vipul Naik45.00Global health/organizationsProse
Issa RiceCodingWikipedia Clickstream2016-11-04Vipul Naik130.00WikipediaCodeProcessing of Wikipedia clickstream data set for use in Wikipedia Views. Successfully integrated in Wikipedia Views 2016-11-25
Avi GlozmanWikipedia page updateVote pairing in the United States presidential election, 20162016-11-03Vipul Naik27.00United States politicsProseImproved typology around vote pairing sites and added more references
Ethan BashkanskyWikipedia page creationVote pairing in the United States presidential election, 20162016-11-02Vipul Naik105.00United States politicsProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2016-10-27Vipul Naik50.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableOctober end grants update: max 50; 18 grants to Open Phil, 11 grants to Good Ventures
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in Italy2016-10-26Vipul Naik110.00Country healthcareTimeline
Daniel Alejandro MaidanaWikipedia page creationGlobal Programme on AIDS2016-10-25Vipul Naik30.00Global health/programProseDaniel finished userspace draft but as of 2016-12-14 the article has not been cleaned and ported to main space. Cleaning and porting is on Vipul.
Sergey YegorovWikipedia page creationFood frequency questionnaire2016-10-23Vipul Naik28.00NutritionProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in France2016-10-22Vipul Naik110.00Country healthcareTimeline
Avi GlozmanWikipedia page creationChicago Community Trust2016-10-21Vipul Naik33.00Philanthropy/foundationsProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateHiroshi Nakajima2016-10-20Vipul Naik35.00Global health/influential peopleProseThe project was motivated by a Facebook post by Howie Lempel
Adrian UlloaWikipedia page creationSeth Baum2016-10-19Vipul Naik20.00Artificial intelligence/Existential risk/Influential peopleProseWorker-initiated page creation
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in Ethiopia2016-10-17Vipul Naik55.00Country healthcareTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateScientific Charity Movement2016-10-14Vipul Naik20.00Philanthropy/philosophyProseCleaned up and improved the page
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in the Democratic Republic of the Congo2016-10-13Vipul Naik40.00Country healthcareTimeline
Issa RiceCodinggraph.py2016-10-13Vipul Naik80.00GraphingCodeAdd graphing capabilities to Wikipedia Views
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in South Africa2016-10-10Vipul Naik75.00Country healthcareTimeline
Christopher KuninWikipedia page creationScientific Charity Movement2016-10-10Vipul Naik35.00Philanthropy/philosophyProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationInitiative on Global Markets2016-10-05Vipul Naik30.00EconomicsProse
Issa RiceCodingTag entries in different languages2016-10-04Vipul Naik150.00Wikipedia ViewsCode and dataWrote code to translate tags en masse to new languages. Code still exists, plan is now to incorporate into Wikipedia Views itself to avoid need to run separate code
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of liver cancer2016-10-01Vipul Naik49.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of bladder cancer2016-10-01Vipul Naik47.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateGoogle Surveys2016-09-30Vipul Naik32.00Survey toolsProse with diagramExpanded page, added references, explained and clarified model with diagram
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2016-09-29Vipul Naik50.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableSeptember end grants update: max 50; 8 grants to Open Phil, 12 grants to Good Ventures
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of hospitals2016-09-25Vipul Naik160.00Health systemsTimeline
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationMichael Seibel2016-09-25Vipul Naik50.00Technology/investor/influential peopleProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page updateMany timeline pages2016-09-24Vipul Naik200.00Technology/companyTimelineWork spread over a month, to avoid having other timelines meet the deletion fate of Timeline of Valve Corporation
Adrian UlloaWikipedia page creationTimeline of optical character recognition2016-09-22Vipul Naik60.00Artificial intelligence/Machine learningTimeline
Sergey YegorovWikipedia page creationAcademic Training2016-09-20Vipul Naik150.00United States migration/academiaProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of cervical cancer2016-09-19Vipul Naik45.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of pancreatic cancer2016-09-18Vipul Naik60.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateForm 10402016-09-17Vipul Naik20.00United States taxationProsePayment for part of a planned series of edits that was not fully completed (total promised pay was $40; the partial edits are at and (latter finishes on September 17, 2016)
Charlie CornerWikipedia page creationFresh Fruit and Vegetable Program2016-09-14Vipul Naik70.00United States welfare stateProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Denmark2016-09-13Vipul Naik45.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of colorectal cancer2016-09-12Vipul Naik58.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of kidney cancer2016-09-11Vipul Naik55.00Global health/diseasesTimeline50 for initial version, 5 for updates published 2016-09-26
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of tuberculosis2016-09-08Vipul Naik90.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Ethan BashkanskyMiscellaneous Wikipedia workN/A2016-09-07Vipul Naik120.00MiscellaneousProseEthan went on a page creation spree and sought rewards for creating broadly relevant pages
Adrian UlloaWikipedia page creationRobert Wilensky2016-09-06Vipul Naik20.00Computer science/Artificial intelligence/influential peopleProseWorker-initiated page creation
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in France2016-09-06Vipul Naik70.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateGAVI Alliance2016-09-06Vipul Naik15.00Philanthropy/Grants/IATITable
Issa RiceAttempted Wikipedia workFrench Development Agency2016-09-05Vipul Naik10.00Philanthropy/Grants/IATITableWe decided not to publish as there was too little meaningful data
Christopher KuninWikipedia page creationStokes interview2016-09-04Vipul Naik50.00United States migrationProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateWorld Bank2016-09-04Vipul Naik30.00Philanthropy/Grants/IATITable
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateUnited Nations Development Programme2016-09-04Vipul Naik30.00Philanthropy/Grants/IATITable
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateDepartment for International Development2016-09-03Vipul Naik30.00Philanthropy/Grants/IATITable
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateBill & Melinda Gates Foundation2016-09-02Vipul Naik5.00Philanthropy/Grants/IATITableIATI Gates Round 3: Clarifications
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateHewlett Foundation2016-09-02Vipul Naik40.00Philanthropy/Grants/IATITable
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of brain cancer2016-09-01Vipul Naik82.00Global health/diseasesTimeline55 for original work, 27 for updates finished 2016-09-12
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateBill & Melinda Gates Foundation2016-09-01Vipul Naik40.00Philanthropy/Grants/IATITableIATI Gates Round 2
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2016-08-31Vipul Naik55.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableAugust end grants update: 45 for 8 new grants and 10 for one-time extra work to deal with format changes
Ethan BashkanskyWikipedia page creationForm 1099-R2016-08-29Vipul Naik50.00United States taxationProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateBill & Melinda Gates Foundation2016-08-29Vipul Naik50.00Philanthropy/Grants/IATITableIATI Gates Round 1
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of lung cancer2016-08-28Vipul Naik65.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Avi GlozmanWikipedia page creationTimeline of e-commerce2016-08-28Vipul Naik175.00Technology/generalTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page updateCancer timelines2016-08-28Vipul Naik5.00Global health/diseasesTimelineAdding IARC to existing timelines
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of lymphoma2016-08-27Vipul Naik70.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Adrian UlloaWikipedia page creationCommodity Supplemental Food Program2016-08-24Vipul Naik70.00United States welfare stateProse
Ethan BashkanskyWikipedia page creationForm 1099-K2016-08-23Vipul Naik50.00United States taxationProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Spain2016-08-23Vipul Naik70.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of leukemia2016-08-20Vipul Naik70.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationKlerokinesis2016-08-20Vipul Naik20.00BiologyProse
Christopher KuninWikipedia page creationIlliberal Reformers2016-08-17Vipul Naik35.00Political philosophy/political scienceProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of melanoma2016-08-16Vipul Naik60.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Adrian UlloaWikipedia page creationWaitlist Zero2016-08-16Vipul Naik35.00Philanthropy/charity/organ donationProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Monsanto2016-08-15Vipul Naik80.00Biotechnology/companyTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of Alzheimer's disease2016-08-13Vipul Naik75.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Valve Corporation2016-08-09Vipul Naik75.00Technology/companyTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page updatePrivacy Impact Assessment2016-08-07Vipul Naik5.00Government bureaucracy jargonProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of stroke2016-08-05Vipul Naik75.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Charlie CornerWikipedia page creationAdora Cheung2016-08-04Vipul Naik32.00Technology/influential peopleProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of cardiovascular disease2016-08-01Vipul Naik140.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Sean YuWikipedia page updateForm 10402016-07-31Vipul Naik20.00United States taxationProseAdding stuff on state taxes and controversies
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Germany2016-07-30Vipul Naik60.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Christopher KuninWikipedia page updatePrivacy Impact Assessment2016-07-29Vipul Naik45.00Government bureaucracy jargonProseOriginally intended to create the page, but somebody else made it, so added content into it
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2016-07-29Vipul Naik45.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableJuly end grants update: 6 new grants + 2 delayed grants
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Sweden2016-07-28Vipul Naik50.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in Nigeria2016-07-27Vipul Naik80.00Country healthcareTimeline
Avi GlozmanWikipedia page creationTimeline of social media2016-07-27Vipul Naik155.00Technology/generalTimeline140 for original, extra 15 for additions 2016-08-28
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationPriority-setting in global health2016-07-27Vipul Naik155.00Health systems/Global healthProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of online video2016-07-27Vipul Naik175.00Technology/trendsTimeline
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Argentina2016-07-26Vipul Naik45.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in Egypt2016-07-22Vipul Naik80.00Country healthcareTimeline
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Mexico2016-07-22Vipul Naik50.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in Germany2016-07-21Vipul Naik110.00Country healthcareTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in Kenya2016-07-18Vipul Naik80.00Country healthcareTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateAgainst Malaria Foundation2016-07-16Vipul Naik10.00Philanthropy/GiveWell top charitiesProseSome tweaks/updates to AMF page based on corrections noted in email from Rob Mather. Not completed fully, so payment is based on work done. See for diff
Devansh DwivedyWikipedia page creationField Foundation of New York2016-07-15Vipul Naik30.00Philanthropy/foundationsProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in Cuba2016-07-10Vipul Naik105.00Country healthcareTimeline
Charlie CornerWikipedia page creationForm 1098-T2016-07-10Vipul Naik50.00United States taxationProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationProfessional consensus of economics2016-07-10Vipul Naik67.00EconomicsProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Australia2016-07-08Vipul Naik70.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Christopher KuninWikipedia page creationThe Entrepreneurial State2016-07-05Vipul Naik32.00Political philosophy/political scienceProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Nordstrom2016-07-01Vipul Naik75.00Retail/companyTimeline50 for page, 25 for getting started on retail timeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2016-07-01Vipul Naik27.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableJune end grants update
Avi GlozmanWikipedia page creationScreening Partnership Program2016-06-29Vipul Naik53.00United States government programs/Air travelProse
Devansh DwivedyWikipedia page creationRichard W. Boone2016-06-29Vipul Naik50.00Philanthropy/influential peopleProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Lyft2016-06-29Vipul Naik40.00Technology/companyTimeline
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Iran2016-06-28Vipul Naik50.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAlbert Schweitzer Foundation for Our Contemporaries2016-06-27Vipul Naik32.00Animal welfare/charityProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page updateFaunalytics2016-06-27Vipul Naik12.00Animal welfare/organizationsProse
Amy ZhangWikipedia page updateTimeline of global health2016-06-26Vipul Naik80.00Global healthTimelineExpanded existing events, added a few more, and revamped big picture
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateDisease Control Priorities Project2016-06-25Vipul Naik20.00Global healthProseSignificant page restructuring, more info on specific reports
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Indonesia2016-06-24Vipul Naik55.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Russia2016-06-24Vipul Naik60.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Sean YuWikipedia page creationForm 11202016-06-24Vipul Naik35.00United States taxationProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateAgainst Malaria Foundation, GiveDirectly, and other GiveWell top charities2016-06-24Vipul Naik55.00Philanthropy/GiveWell/top charitiesProse25 each for AMF and GiveDirectly, 5 for others
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in South Africa2016-06-23Vipul Naik50.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Ethiopia2016-06-23Vipul Naik55.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Thomas FosterWikipedia page creationTimeline of sovereign states in Oceania2016-06-23Vipul Naik25.00Geography/historyTimelineWorker-initiated page creation
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page updateThe Humane League2016-06-23Vipul Naik25.00Animal welfare/organizationsProse
Christopher KuninWikipedia page creationGlobal Polio Eradication Initiative2016-06-21Vipul Naik35.00Global health/programsProse
Michael RoyzenWikipedia page creationTimeline of speech and voice recognition2016-06-21Vipul Naik50.00Artificial intelligence/Computer scienceTimeline
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationGlobal Animal Partnership2016-06-20Vipul Naik30.00Animal welfare/charityProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Twitch.tv2016-06-20Vipul Naik40.00Technology/companyTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationHealth systems strengthening2016-06-17Vipul Naik43.00Health systems/Global healthProse
Christopher KuninWikipedia page creationThe Ethics of Voting2016-06-16Vipul Naik30.00Political philosophy/political scienceProse
Thomas FosterWikipedia page creationTimeline of machine learning2016-06-16Vipul Naik80.00Artificial intelligence/Machine learningTimeline
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Amazon Web Services2016-06-15Vipul Naik95.00Technology/companyTimeline
Eddy SuWikipedia page creationH-1A visa2016-06-13Vipul Naik33.00United States migrationProse
Eddy SuWikipedia page creationH-1C visa2016-06-12Vipul Naik38.00United States migrationProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Xiaomi2016-06-12Vipul Naik75.00Technology/companyTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationAmanda Glassman2016-06-08Vipul Naik32.00Global health/influential peopleProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationTimeline of cellular agriculture2016-06-08Vipul Naik50.00Animal welfare/New technologyProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationInternational Decision Support Initiative2016-06-07Vipul Naik39.00Global health/organizationsProse
Avi GlozmanWikipedia page creationSilicon Valley Education Foundation2016-06-05Vipul Naik33.00Philanthropy/foundations/educationProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Canada2016-06-05Vipul Naik70.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationTriplebyte2016-06-04Vipul Naik31.00Technology/companyProse25 for initial work in January. 6 for later work in June and publication. Later deleted through AfD, userspace version survives
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2016-06-04Vipul Naik50.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableMay end grants update
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Austria2016-06-01Vipul Naik60.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of WhatsApp2016-05-31Vipul Naik120.00Technology/companyTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in Japan2016-05-28Vipul Naik135.00Country healthcareTimeline100 for original article, 35 for updates
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of influenza2016-05-26Vipul Naik125.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page updateAnimal welfare and rights in Israel2016-05-24Vipul Naik50.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in India2016-05-22Vipul Naik131.00Country healthcareTimeline95 for original article, 30 for updates in late May 2016, 6 for updates 2016-09-26
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Netflix2016-05-21Vipul Naik135.00Technology/companyTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationVoices of the Poor2016-05-18Vipul Naik39.00Poverty studiesProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of healthcare in China2016-05-17Vipul Naik160.00Country healthcareTimeline85 for original article, 75 for updates
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationParticipatory poverty assessment2016-05-17Vipul Naik63.00Poverty studiesProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationMaverick Capital2016-05-16Vipul Naik35.00Technology/investorProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Brazil2016-05-13Vipul Naik90.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationRockefeller Sanitary Commission2016-05-11Vipul Naik30.00Global health/oranizationsProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationChild survival revolution2016-05-11Vipul Naik101.00Global health/trendsProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in South Korea2016-05-10Vipul Naik60.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of senescence research2016-05-09Vipul Naik100.00Frontier health/speculativeTimeline
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Japan2016-05-08Vipul Naik60.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page updateAnimal welfare in the United States2016-05-08Vipul Naik60.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationCoatue Management2016-05-07Vipul Naik35.00Technology/investorProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in Malaysia2016-05-06Vipul Naik70.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationTimeline of animal welfare and rights in Europe2016-05-05Vipul Naik100.00Animal welfareTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationInnovative Vector Control Consortium2016-05-04Vipul Naik35.00Global health/organizationsProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationThe State of the World's Children2016-05-04Vipul Naik30.00Global health/eventsProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creation3 by 5 Initiative2016-05-02Vipul Naik30.00Global health/organizationsProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationTimeline of nonprofit evaluation2016-04-30Vipul Naik105.00Philanthropy/Nonprofit evaluationTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateOpen Philanthropy Project,Good Ventures2016-04-30Vipul Naik50.00Philanthropy/GrantsTableApril end grants update
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationTimeline of animal welfare and rights in the United States2016-04-29Vipul Naik100.00Animal welfare by countryTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of malaria2016-04-27Vipul Naik200.00Global health/diseases/malariaTimeline
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Dropbox2016-04-27Vipul Naik75.00Technology/companyTimeline
Ethan BashkanskyWikipedia page creationEqual Pay Day2016-04-26Vipul Naik24.00FeminismProse
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationAnimal welfare and rights in India2016-04-26Vipul Naik100.00Animal welfare by countryProse
Ethan BashkanskyAttempted Wikipedia workDe minimis fringe benefit2016-04-26Vipul Naik5.00United States taxationProseThe page already existed
Ethan BashkanskyAttempted Wikipedia workFiling Information Returns Electronically2016-04-26Vipul Naik5.00United States taxationProseDecided against creating the page
Issa RiceAttempted Wikipedia workTimeline of mental health2016-04-26Vipul Naik10.00Global health/diseases/mental healthTimelineInitial research into timeline of mental health; scrapped on seeing an existing timeline of psychiatry
Jesse CliftonWikipedia page creationTimeline of animal welfare and rights2016-04-25Vipul Naik150.00Animal welfareTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationTimeline of deworming2016-04-24Vipul Naik115.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page creationTimeline of cholera2016-04-23Vipul Naik100.00Global health/diseasesTimeline
Sebastian SanchezWikipedia page translationDolor en los animales2016-04-21Vipul Naik100.00Animal welfareTranslationSource: Pain in animals (English Wikipedia)
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of LinkedIn2016-04-20Vipul Naik81.00Technology/companyTimeline75 for initial work, 6 for updates
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Instagram2016-04-16Vipul Naik100.00Technology/companyTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationTimeline of global health2016-04-14Vipul Naik190.00Global healthTimeline170 for work + 20 completion bonus
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateDisease Control Priorities Project2016-04-13Vipul Naik6.00Global healthProseAdd years
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationThomas C. Leonard2016-04-11Vipul Naik25.00Influential peopleProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationUri Simonsohn2016-04-02Vipul Naik25.00Statistics/research/influential peopleProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationOpen Philanthropy Project2016-03-22Vipul Naik100.00Philanthropy/FoundationsProse
Issa RiceMiscellaneous Wikipedia workAnimal Charity Evaluators2016-03-18Vipul Naik20.00Animal welfare/nonprofit evaluation/Animal Charity EvaluatorsCommunication with VipulRetrieved deleted page from admin and userfied it
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationInitialized Capital2016-03-14Vipul Naik50.00Technology/investorProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationData Collective2016-03-14Vipul Naik50.00Technology/investorProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationMatthew Emerton2016-03-14Vipul Naik15.00Mathematics/research/influential peopleProse
Milo KingWikipedia page updatePremium Processing Service2016-03-12Vipul Naik5.00United States migrationProseAdded section on non-profit ability to use the old system of discretionary expedite requests, with citation
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationScott Stanford (investor)2016-03-07Vipul Naik50.00Technology/investor/influential peopleProsePage currently nominated for deletion
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationForm I-1402016-03-04Vipul Naik168.00United States migrationProse150 for original, 18 for miscellaneous improvements
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationPaige Craig2016-02-27Vipul Naik57.00Technology/investor/influential peopleProse50 for initial work, 7 for updates
Ethan BashkanskyWikipedia page creationForm 10422016-02-15Vipul Naik25.00United States taxationProse
Ethan BashkanskyWikipedia page creationIndividual shared responsibility provision2016-02-14Vipul Naik40.00United States taxationProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationGarry Tan2016-02-14Vipul Naik50.00Technology/investor/influential peopleProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationM. G. Siegler2016-02-14Vipul Naik50.00Technology/investor/influential peopleProse
Ethan BashkanskyWikipedia page creationForm 10952016-02-13Vipul Naik30.00United States taxationProse
Ethan BashkanskyWikipedia page creationForm W-42016-02-12Vipul Naik30.00United States taxationProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationCrunchFund2016-02-08Vipul Naik50.00Technology/investorProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationForm 9902016-02-03Vipul Naik100.00United States taxation/Philanthropy/Nonprofit evaluationProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Intel2016-02-02Vipul Naik150.00Technology/companyTimeline
Issa RiceCodingpageviewQueries.inc2016-01-31Vipul Naik80.00API integrationCodeAdd ability to query Wikimedia API for pageviews
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationForm W-22016-01-28Vipul Naik100.00United States taxationProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationForm 10962016-01-25Vipul Naik25.00United States taxationProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Microsoft2016-01-25Vipul Naik128.00Technology/companyTimeline125 for original, 3 for adding acquisition of LinkedIn
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationForm W-92016-01-23Vipul Naik50.00United States taxationProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationForm 1099-MISC2016-01-21Vipul Naik100.00United States taxationProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Amazon2016-01-17Vipul Naik250.00Technology/companyTimeline
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationForm 10992016-01-11Vipul Naik50.00United States taxationProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of online food delivery2016-01-10Vipul Naik55.00Technology/trendsTimeline50 for initial page, 5 for adding stuff. Page was deleted and moved to the online food ordering page, with a redirect
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationGreen Card Test2016-01-05Vipul Naik25.00United States taxation/United States migrationProse
Issa RiceWikipedia page creationForm 10402015-12-31Vipul Naik400.00United States taxationProseAlthough mostly completed by 2015-12-31, the article was published to main space on 2016-01-01. Payment, however, is considered to be for the 2015 tax year.
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationThe Humane League2015-11-30Vipul Naik20.00Animal welfare/organizationsProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Tesla Motors2015-11-29Vipul Naik75.00Technology/companyTimelinePage moved to main on 2015-11-13, but fully done on 2015-11-29
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Square2015-11-29Vipul Naik200.00Technology/companyTimelineExtra large bounty because of timelineness due to recent IPO
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationProject Healthy Children2015-11-28Vipul Naik25.00Philanthropy/nonprofit evaluationProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationEroom's law2015-10-16Vipul Naik25.00Technology/trendProseCreated with capital L law but page later moved on 2016-10-07
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationInside Philanthropy2015-08-30Vipul Naik25.00Philanthropy/nonprofit evaluation/online publicationProsePage suggested by Issa Rice
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationPublic Welfare Foundation2015-08-16Vipul Naik25.00Philanthropy/foundationProsePage suggested by Issa Rice
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationProof School2015-07-30Vipul Naik25.00Education/schoolProse
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page updateTimeline of Uber2015-07-17Vipul Naik3.00Technology/companyTimeline
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page updateTimeline of Reddit2015-07-04Vipul Naik3.00Technology/companyTimeline
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Quora2015-07-01Vipul Naik25.00Technology/companyTimeline
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Uber2015-06-30Vipul Naik35.00Technology/companyTimelineOriginally created on 2015-06-01, fully expanded by 2015-06-30
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationTimeline of Reddit2015-05-30Vipul Naik60.00Technology/companyTimelineFirst timeline and first major bounty
Alex K. ChenWikipedia page creationParker Conrad2015-05-13Vipul Naik25.00Technology/influential peopleProseAccidental/retroactive bounty -- page was created to decent quality so bounty awarded
Issa RiceWikipedia page updateA Plus ( Naik20.00Media companyProseFirst Wikipedia article experience. Originally intended to create article, but it got created while this was in draft, so merged work in.