Contract work by Gabriel Bobis for Vipul Naik

Table of contents

All payment amounts are listed in current United States dollars (USD).

Basic worker information

Facebook usernamegabobis
Preferred payment methodBitcoin
RecruiterSebastian Sanchez
Contact method (initial contact)inbound Facebook
Worker file (on GitHub, with revision history)gabriel-list.mediawiki (this file includes a list of partial or completed tasks for which pay has not yet been added, if applicable; search for Tentative pending payments in the file)
NotesSebastian brough this contract worker to Vipul's attention. As of September 2024, communication is being handled through Sebsastian.

Worker payments due by type and year

Type of payment dueTotal across yearsTotal in year 2024
Tasks for Vipul Naik 189.00189.00
Commissions on tasks0.000.00
Commissions on royalties0.000.00
Total payment awarded189.00189.00
Total payment189.00189.00

Worker payments made by method and year

Payment methodTotal across yearsTotal in year 2024
Total across payment methods189.00189.00

Worker task payments due by type and year

Task typeTotal across yearsTotal in year 2024
Data entry189.00189.00

Worker task payments due by topic and year

Note that a single task may be assigned to multiple topics so a few tasks may be double-counted below. Also, the list below does not include all tasks.

TopicTotal across yearsTotal in year 2024

Worker task payments due by venue and year

Task venueTotal across yearsTotal in year 2024
Org Watch189.00189.00

Worker task payments due by format and year

FormatTotal across yearsTotal in year 2024

Worker payments due by type and month

MonthTask paymentsCommissions on task paymentsStipend payments (awarded same month)Royalty paymentsCommissions on royalty paymentsTotal payment awardedStipend payments (deferred)Total payment
Total across months189.

Worker task payments due by type and month

MonthTotal across task typesData entry
Total across months189.00189.00

Worker task payments due by topic and month

Note that a single task may be assigned to multiple topics so a few tasks may be double-counted below. Also, the list below does not include all tasks.

MonthTotal across topics
Total across months189.00

Worker task payments due by venue and month

MonthTotal across task venuesOrg Watch
Total across months189.00189.00

Worker task payments due by format and month

MonthTotal across task formatsData
Total across months189.00189.00

Worker payments due and payments made by month

For completed months, the row for the month gives the data at the end of the month. For the current month, the row for the month gives the data from the beginning of the month till now. The bold amounts are the cumulative numbers so far, across all time.

MonthPayment awarded in monthCumulative payment awarded till monthPayment made in monthCumulative payment made till monthPending payment increase in monthCumulative pending payment

Full list of tasks in reverse chronological order (1 tasks)

Task venueTask typeTask receptacleCompletion datePayerPaymentTopicFormatTime spent (hours:minutes)Effective pay per hourNotes
Org WatchData entryOrg Watch (all tasks)2024-08-31Vipul Naik189.00Organizational structures and dynamicsData21:009.0021 hours at $9/hour. This includes work on two new organizations: Our World in Data and the Global Priorities Institute. The work was committed to GitHub by Sebastian; see commits

Full list of received payments in reverse chronological order (1 payments)

Payment methodSent dateReceipt datePaymentAmount sentOverheadAmount receivedIntermediary (empty if none)Notes
Bitcoin2024-09-032024-09-03189.00189.500.50189.00Transaction in Bitcoin for .00327401 BTC (and calculated in terms of USD value at time of transaction of $57,727.05 per BTC) with a small transaction fee of 0.00000868 BTC ($0.50 USD). Transaction available online at (note that the transaction as shown in Blockchain appears to bundle this transaction with others that Coinbase may have executed simultaneously, so its details are a bit misleading).