receptacle Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System, contract work for Vipul Naik

Table of contents

Filtered task payments due by type and year

Task typeTotal in year 2024Total in year 2023Total in year 2022Total in year 2021Total in year 2020Total in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015Total across years
Preliminary research0.000.000.00200.

Task payments due by venue and year

Task venueTotal in year 2024Total in year 2023Total in year 2022Total in year 2021Total in year 2020Total in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015Total across years
Personal website0.000.000.00200.

Filtered task payments due by format and year

FormatTotal in year 2024Total in year 2023Total in year 2022Total in year 2021Total in year 2020Total in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015Total across years
Orbit Q&A0.000.000.00200.

Full list of tasks in reverse chronological order (1 tasks)

Task venueTask typeTask receptacleCompletion dateWorkerPayerPaymentTopicFormatTime spent (hours:minutes)Effective pay per hourNotes
Personal websitePreliminary researchLeverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System2021-07-14Issa RiceAndy Matuschak200.00LearningOrbit Q&A10:0020.00Andy Matuschak commissioned Issa Rice to take the article by Donella Meadows and add Orbit cards. Orbit is a spaced repetition software at led by Andy Matuschak. This project was an effort to allow Andy himself to experience a mnemonic text and think about design decisions for Orbit.