Contract work by Linchuan Zhang for Vipul Naik
Table of contents
All payment amounts are listed in current United States dollars (USD).
Basic worker information
This worker is not currently active. All dues with the worker have been settled. The worker has no claims to Vipul Naik's estate in the event of Vipul Naik's death. The information on this page is provided only for historical reference.
Worker payments due by type and year
Type of payment due | Total across years | Total in year 2017 | Total in year 2016 |
Commissions on tasks | 30.30 | 7.50 | 22.80 |
Royalties | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Commissions on royalties | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total payment awarded | 30.30 | 7.50 | 22.80 |
Total payment | 30.30 | 7.50 | 22.80 |
Worker payments made by method and year
Payment method | Total across years | Total in year 2020 |
PayPal | 30.30 | 30.30 |
Total across payment methods | 30.30 | 30.30 |
Worker task payments due by type and year
Task type | Total across years |
Total | 0.00 |
Worker task payments due by topic and year
Note that a single task may be assigned to multiple topics so a few tasks may be double-counted below. Also, the list below does not include all tasks.
Topic | Total across years |
Total | 0.00 |
Worker task payments due by venue and year
Task venue | Total across years |
Total | 0.00 |
Worker payments due by type and month
Month | Task payments | Commissions on task payments | Stipend payments (awarded same month) | Royalty payments | Commissions on royalty payments | Total payment awarded | Stipend payments (deferred) | Total payment |
2017-01 | 0.00 | 7.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.50 | 0.00 | 7.50 |
2016-09 | 0.00 | 10.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.50 | 0.00 | 10.50 |
2016-08 | 0.00 | 4.80 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.80 | 0.00 | 4.80 |
2016-07 | 0.00 | 7.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.50 | 0.00 | 7.50 |
Total across months | 0.00 | 30.30 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 30.30 | 0.00 | 30.30 |
Worker task payments due by type and month
Month | Total across task types |
Total across months | 0.00 |
Worker task payments due by topic and month
Note that a single task may be assigned to multiple topics so a few tasks may be double-counted below. Also, the list below does not include all tasks.
Month | Total across topics |
Total across months | 0.00 |
Worker task payments due by venue and month
Month | Total across task venues |
Total across months | 0.00 |
Worker payments due and payments made by month
For completed months, the row for the month gives the data at the end of the month. For the current month, the row for the month gives the data from the beginning of the month till now. The bold amounts are the cumulative numbers so far, across all time.
Month | Payment awarded in month | Cumulative payment awarded till month | Payment made in month | Cumulative payment made till month | Pending payment increase in month | Cumulative pending payment |
2020-03 | 0.00 | 30.30 | 30.30 | 30.30 | -30.30 | 0.00 |
2017-01 | 7.50 | 30.30 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.50 | 30.30 |
2016-09 | 10.50 | 22.80 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.50 | 22.80 |
2016-08 | 4.80 | 12.30 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.80 | 12.30 |
2016-07 | 7.50 | 7.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.50 | 7.50 |
Full list of tasks in reverse chronological order (0 tasks)
Task venue | Task type | Task receptacle | Completion date | Payer | Payment | Topic | Format | Time spent (hours:minutes) | Effective pay per hour | Notes |
Commissions on tasks: breakdown by earner
Underlying earner | Commission validity period | Commission reason | Commission rate | Payment due to original earner | Commission payment |
Charlie Corner | 2016-07-10 onward | Recruiter | 15% | 202.00 | 30.30 |
Full list of received payments in reverse chronological order (1 payments)
Payment method | Sent date | Receipt date | Payment | Amount sent | Overhead | Amount received | Intermediary (empty if none) | Notes |
PayPal | 2020-03-14 | 2020-03-14 | 30.30 | 30.30 | 0.00 | 30.30 | | A much delayed payment to clear pending balance |