Contract work sponsored by Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative and managed through Vipul Naik

Table of contents

All payment amounts are listed in current United States dollars (USD).

Payer information for Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative

This payer is not currently active. All dues with the payer have been settled. The payer has no amount due to Vipul Naik and no claims on Vipul Naik's estate in the event of Vipul Naik's death. The information on this page is provided only for historical reference.

Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative (BERI) funded some contract work by Issa Rice for the Future of Humanity Institute in 2019. Vipul Naik was not involved, and only added the task here to make it easier for Issa Rice to track this along with the rest of his contract work.

Payer payments due by type and year

Type of payment due Total across years Total in year 2024 Total in year 2023 Total in year 2022 Total in year 2021 Total in year 2020 Total in year 2019 Total in year 2018 Total in year 2017 Total in year 2016 Total in year 2015
Tasks 593.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 593.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Stipends (awarded same year) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total payment awarded 593.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 593.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total payment 593.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 593.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Payer payments made by method and year

Payment methodTotal in year 2024Total in year 2023Total in year 2022Total in year 2021Total in year 2020Total in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015Total across years
Direct deposit via Gusto0.
Total across payment methods0.

Payer task payments due by type and year

Task typeTotal in year 2024Total in year 2023Total in year 2022Total in year 2021Total in year 2020Total in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015Total across years
Preliminary research0.

Payer task payments due by topic and year

Note that a single task may be assigned to multiple topics so a few tasks may be double-counted below. Also, the list below does not include all tasks.

TopicTotal in year 2024Total in year 2023Total in year 2022Total in year 2021Total in year 2020Total in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015Total across years

Payer task payments due by venue and year

Task venueTotal in year 2024Total in year 2023Total in year 2022Total in year 2021Total in year 2020Total in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015Total across years

Payer task payments due by format and year

FormatTotal in year 2024Total in year 2023Total in year 2022Total in year 2021Total in year 2020Total in year 2019Total in year 2018Total in year 2017Total in year 2016Total in year 2015Total across years

Payer task payments due by worker and type

WorkerPreliminary researchTotal across task types
Issa Rice593.85593.85
Total across workers593.85593.85

Payer task payments due by type and month

MonthPreliminary researchTotal across task types
Total across months593.85593.85

Graph of payer task payments due by type and month (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of payer task payments due by type and month (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Payer payments due by type and month

MonthTask paymentsStipend payments (awarded same month)Total payment awardedStipend payments (deferred)Total payment
Total across months593.850.00593.850.00593.85

Payer task payments due by topic and month

Note that a single task may be assigned to multiple topics so a few tasks may be double-counted below. Also, the list below does not include all tasks.

MonthTotal across topics
Total across months593.85

Graph of payer task payments due by topic and month (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of payer task payments due by topic and month (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Payer task payments due by venue and month

MonthNoneTotal across task venues
Total across months593.85593.85

Graph of payer task payments due by venue and month (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of payer task payments due by venue and month (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Payer task payments due by format and month

MonthNotesTotal across task formats
Total across months593.85593.85

Graph of payer task payments due by format and month (incremental, not cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Graph of payer task payments due by format and month (cumulative)

Graph of payments should have loaded here

Payer payments due and payments made by month

For completed months, the row for the month gives the data at the end of the month. For the current month, the row for the month gives the data from the beginning of the month till now. The bold amounts are the cumulative numbers so far, across all time.

MonthPayment awarded in monthCumulative payment awarded till monthPayment made in monthCumulative payment made till monthPending payment increase in monthCumulative pending payment

Full list of tasks in reverse chronological order (2 tasks)

Task venueTask typeTask receptacleCompletion dateWorkerPaymentTopicFormatNotes
NonePreliminary researchRecruiting assistance for Future of Humanity Institute (all tasks)2019-08-07Issa Rice95.10AI safety/Global catastophic risksNotesThe part in August 2019 of work done helping Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) with recruitment. Payment is from the Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative (BERI) via the BERI/FHI collaboration. Work done from 2019-08-01 to 2019-08-07
NonePreliminary researchRecruiting assistance for Future of Humanity Institute (all tasks)2019-07-31Issa Rice498.75AI safety/Global catastophic risksNotesThe part in July 2019 of work done helping Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) with recruitment. Payment is from the Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative (BERI) via the BERI/FHI collaboration. Work done from 2019-07-10 to 2019-07-31

Full list of sent payments in reverse chronological order (2 payments)

Payment methodSent dateReceipt datePaymentAmount sentOverheadAmount receivedIntermediary (empty if none)
Direct deposit via Gusto2019-09-112019-09-1195.1095.100.0095.10
Direct deposit via Gusto2019-08-132019-08-13498.75498.750.00498.75